20 Best Comedy Film Sequels Of All-Time

12. American Pie 2

Given the success of the original American Pie movie, a follow-up seemed inevitable. The premise of the first movie honed in on four teenagers and their crazy quest to each lose their virginity before prom night. How does a sequel get by without that plot to cling to? On the backs of its characters, of course - which is where American Pie 2 thrives. After all, the gang inherent to these flicks are super likeable, so why not make use of that? So American Pie 2 swaps out its goal-orientated plot and opts, instead, to be something of a vacation hangout movie. This opens up the sequel as a canvas for more nudity-inspired antics, crude Stifler moments, and a bunch of sentimental scenes where the guys discuss the fact that they're growing older and moving on - without any major narrative hook. The lack of narrative hook proves to be both the movie's best asset and its biggest weakness; though it's great just hanging with Jim, Finch, Oz and Kevin at the beach, the lack of "purpose" occasionally allows American 2 to feel meandering. But as a comedy sequel, you can't really argue against it; there are enough laughs, memorable moments, hot girls in bikinis, in-jokes and nostalgic soundtrack cues to keep fans of the original classic happy.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.