20 Best Comedy Film Sequels Of All-Time

11. Hot Shots! Part Deux

Some movies are so ridiculous that they defy conventional reviewing methods. Hot Shots! Part Deux, the downright insane sequel to the brilliantly hilarious 1991 Top Gun parody flick, Hot Shots!, is one of them. For all intents and purposes, Part Deux - which spoofs action movies such as Rambo, Apocalypse Now and their associated tropes - is kind of terrible. But it also knows that it's really stupid, which - in turn - makes the entire thing a whole lot funnier. Any movie featuring a young Charlie Sheen dressed as Sylvester Stallone's grizzled Vietnam war veteran is going to provoke laughs, after all, and if you're willing to let your guard down and accept Hot Shots! Part Deux for exactly what it is - an unpretentious laughter riot - there's a lot of fun to be had. A sequel to Hot Shots! really shouldn't have been as funny as this, but the level of puns, sight gags and Hollywood references ensure this as a worthwhile sequel for both casual viewers and cinephiles alike.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.