20 Best Comedy Film Sequels Of All-Time

1. A Shot In The Dark

A Shot In The Dark, first released in 1964, is often regarded as the greatest comedy movie sequel of all-time. No surprise there, given that - from the offset - it appears to be a far more accomplished, compulsive and - most importantly - downright hilarious movie than its predecessor. Peter Sellers, reprising his role from The Pink Panther (which starred David Niven), returns in a big way as the infamously hapless Inspector Jacques Clouseau. It was this movie, after all, in which Sellers opted to imbue the character with his trademark exaggerated French accent, rendering him incompetent on a whole new level. The plot, absurd in every possible way, concerns Clouseau's attempts to solve the murder of a Spanish chauffeur, which mostly serves as an excuse for endless witty dialogue cues and brilliant sight gags that stay with you long after the picture is over. Not to mention the fact that A Shot in the Dark also manages to include instances of genuine drama, mystery, and romance, despite its ultimate standing as a farce. If the movie itself feels like a comedy tour-de-force in ways that The Pink Panther simply didn't, it's all thanks to Sellers and his position as the picture's central character, and not as a mere member of an ensemble. Placed side by side with its predecessor, it's clear to see that A Shot In the Dark is the better flick by far - a rare comedy sequel that walks all over the original; certainly one of the best comedy flicks of the '60s. Bravo!

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.