20 Best Easter Eggs In 2017 Movies
10. The Engineer Cameo - Blade Runner 2049

Here's an Easter egg which has actually been apparent even in the trailers for Blade Runner 2049. When Luv (Sylvia Hoeks) is leading K (Ryan Gosling) through a hallway in the Wallace Corporation offices, a number of replicant shells adorn the walls, but take a long, hard look at the one closest to the screen.
Though its facial features aren't ever made totally clear, its physique, prominent facial features and white pigmentation all resemble an Engineer from Ridley Scott's Prometheus.
Scott was of course originally intending to direct Blade Runner 2049 himself before Denis Villeneuve (thankfully) took charge, so while there is a spicing of ambiguity about this Easter egg, it seems too perfect to be a coincidence.