20 Best Female Characters In Comic Book Movies - Ranked

11. Mystique (Rebecca Romijn)

Comic Book Females
20th Century Fox

Not Jennifer Lawrence (although her First Class iteration is just about bearable). In X-Men 1-3, the coolest of the Brotherhood of Mutants wasn't Sabretooth, Pyro or even Magneto - no, it was Magneto's most trusted henchwoman, the shapeshifting Mystique.

A cool, mysterious and nebulous figure, Rebecca Romijin's appeal was in her, uh, mystique. Capable, wry and popping up wherever you least expected her (the twist at the end of the first movie is the franchise's best), Mystique was utilised just enough to not outstay her welcome, unlike some X-Men we could care to mention.

Even more impressively, she got X-Men: The Last Stand's single-most powerful moment, as Magneto abandons her once the Mutant 'cure' takes hold and she loses her powers. Quietly heartbreaking, in exactly the manner that the Last Stand's Dark Phoenix saga should have been, and wasn't.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.