20 Best Horror Movies Of 2021

16. There's Someone Inside Your House

The Night House

Creep director Patrick Brice returns with a more conventionally-styled horror film that nevertheless delivers a welcome fresh spin on the most tired of subgenres - the slasher flick.

Netflix's There's Someone Inside Your House - produced by James Wan and Shawn Levy - may not be a meta-narrative triumph on the level of Scream, but as a gleefully self-aware romp tailor-made for younger millennials, it absolutely delivers a vibrant take on a moldy formula.

Between Brice's stylish filmmaking, the stellar ensemble cast, and the abundance of gory kills, this sinewy whodunnit compensates for its fair predictability with a confident, giddily entertaining execution.

With refreshingly contemporary social commentary and youthful engagement that doesn't feel remotely out of touch, this is exactly the sort of streaming horror vehicle that deserves its own franchise.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.