20 Best Movie Deaths Of The Decade

9. The Armitages - Get Out (2017)

Get Out Death
Universal Pictures

Perhaps it's perverse to cheer death, but some people just really deserve it. And when those same people represent something as awful as the protective cocoon of institutional racism, they deserve it a little bit more.

In Get Out, it looked distinctly like Daniel Kaluuya's Chris was going to end up either becoming the latest victim of the Armitages' cult or would escape and end up imprisoned for leaving a swathe of dead, rich white folk. Thus, seeing him taking his chance to escape and killing each of the Armitages in pretty grisly fashion was great catharthis.

Starting with a bludgeoning, Chris impales his "girlfriend's" father with a mounted deer head, stabs his wife to death, finishes off their son and then strangles Rose (though her fate is left up to our imagination). And remarkably, he seems to get away with it too, giving us an expectedly happy ending to his tale.

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Gone Girl
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