20 Best Movie Deaths Of The Decade

10. Bing Bong - Inside Out (2015)

Inside Out Bing Bong

If you've watched literally any Pixar film, you know that they like to explore our inherent concerns about death, growing old and becoming redundant in our own lives. Strange agendas for kids films but it's true all the same. You can trace the thread back to Toy Story, where we were all supposed to examine the idea of the tragedy of growing up from another angle.

Inside Out dialled it all up even further. Naturally, this was a film about emotions so it was always going to be emotional, but we really weren't ready for the continuation of that same thread about growing pains played out inside the mind and heart of a sad little girl.

And in Bing Bong we got to see what was left of her innocence, which naturally meant that we had to watch him die as Pixar reminded us that every little but of fun and creativity of youth would be killed off by maturity. And being forgotten, thanks to a heroic sacrifice no less, is a fate worse than any normal death.

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Gone Girl
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