20 Best Movie Deaths Of The Decade

7. Derrick - Piranha (2010)

Jerry O'Connell Piranha
Dimension Films

The 2010 Piranha reboot is a ridiculous film. Marketed almost entirely on breasts - though not as much as the vastly inferior sequel, it has to be said - it know exactly what it is: a fun, entertaining celebration of B movies.

It was never going to pull up any trees, but the commitment to silliness and shocking gore that went straight for the gutter was an inspired move. And when you're going for the shock factor, having a shoal of killer fish de-penis a former child star actor playing a sleazy pornographer is a great way to go.

Step forward Jerry O'Connell's Derrick Jones, who ends up in the deadly waters and is attacked by some piranhas with a taste for his legs and genitalia, the latter of which is bitten clean off and FLOATS AWAY impressively after being coughed up by a fish before Derrick dies of blood loss back on his boat.

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