20 Best Movie Deaths Of The Decade

6. Mal - Inception (2010)

Mal Inception
Warner Bros.

Some of the most profoundly impactful movie deaths are the most tragic one, pure and simple. That's definitely the point on the spectrum that the sorry story of Mal (Marion Cotillard) falls in Inception.

The entire film is obsessed with the conflict between the real and the imagined as Cobb (Leo DiCaprio) leads a dream heist but we're led to explore the idea that it's his mind that might be the real target of the plot. He's haunted by the ghost of his wife, but also of the spectre of his own inability to find the truth of reality and we eventually learn that Mal lost her mind and herself to the dream world and took her own life to prove to Cobb that the world they were in was not real.

It's a haunting moment that twists the story off its axis and the way Cobb's grief plays out as if Mal is a big boss in a video game is unique and surprisingly affecting too.

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