20 Best Movie Performances Of 2021

18. Ciarán Hinds - Belfast

Dev Patel Green Knight

Kenneth Branagh's Belfast is, despite being situated within the tumultuous Troubles, a comforting and cozy film about family, a fact perhaps best embodied by Ciarán Hinds' superb performance as "Pop," the grandfather of young protagonist Buddy (Jude Hill).

Hinds makes every frame of his screen time count, imbuing Pop with a gentle, calming humanity that's as infectiously enjoyable as it is completely relatable.

As Hinds is better known for playing severe characters and snarling villains, it's hugely refreshing to see him playing such a magnanimous, warm, and thoroughly charming character.

He gets to share a handful of great scenes with the likes of Hill, Jamie Dornan, and Judi Dench, and knocks it out of the park every time. Unsurprisingly, he's currently the frontrunner for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar, and he just might win the thing outright.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.