20 Best Movie Taglines Of All Time

3. Jaws 2

Universal Pictures

The tagline: ‘Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…’

Jaws, the 1975 film that pretty much invented the blockbuster, catapulted a young Steven Spielberg to global fame and indirectly had a dramatic effect on the global shark population, is the very definition of a film that doesn’t need a sequel. So naturally there were three, and each one worse than the last.

Which is almost something of an achievement in itself, because Jaws 2 is not a good film, not even close. But Jaws made more money at the box office than any movie before it, and Universal set an unfortunate cash-in trend that continues to this day by greenlighting a sequel that would see another great white terrorise the shores of Amity Island.

It’s probably no exaggeration to say the tagline for Jaws 2 is the single best thing about any of the sequels. Jaws 19 looks promising though.

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Jaws 2
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I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.