20 Best Movie Taglines Of All Time

2. Superman

Warner Bros.

The tagline: ‘You’ll believe a man can fly.’

If Warner Bros. want to know what’s gone wrong with the character in Henry Cavill-era Superman, they need only dig out Richard Donner’s Superman films from their archive.

Donner understood that Kal-El, despite not being one of us, was meant to embody the best in all of us and symbolises hope – an idea Zack Snyder, truth be told, only paid lip service. And the first two Superman films’ lovingly-rendered blend of action, romance and humour fairly soared as a result.

But in order for Superman to soar, first they had to make him fly, and achieving this was the single biggest challenge the crew faced; producer Ilya Salkind estimated that around two million dollars was wasted on flight tests in Italy long before Christopher Reeve was cast.

The flight conundrum was ultimately solved using a combination of flying rigs for takeoffs and landings, front projection and zoom shots to convey movement. Sure, it all looks a little quaint now but it was groundbreaking stuff in the late-seventies, earning the Special Achievement Award for Visual Effects at the Oscars in 1979.

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Jaws 2
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I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.