20 Best Movies Of 2018

8. First Man

First Man Ryan Gosling

Damien Chazelle's follow-up to La La Land defied expectations in many ways.

Those expecting an effervescent, outgoing celebration of America landing on the moon may have been disappointed to learn that First Man is in fact a far more quiet, subtle character study of astronaut Neil Armstrong (Ryan Gosling).

Many have complained that Gosling's performance feels a little flat or lacking in affect, but by many accounts of those who met Armstrong, that's exactly how he was, refusing to emote and internalising his anguish.

This proves especially compelling given the astronaut's tragic loss early in the movie, which ultimately comes to inform his journey to the moon and requires Gosling to say a lot without really saying anything at all.

The set-pieces are, naturally, incredible, especially the stunning moon landing sequence itself, scored to perfection with soul-stirring work by the Oscar-worthy Justin Hurwitz.

The ensemble cast also kills it here, especially Claire Foy, Jason Clarke, Kyle Chandler and Corey Stoll. Though certainly not a flag-waving exercise or a frothy look at one of humanity's greatest achievements, First Man dares to be something more: devastatingly human.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.