20 Best Movies Of 2021 (So Far)

1. The Father

Oxygen Melanie Laurent
Sony Pictures Classics

Anthony Hopkins' Best Actor Oscar win may have been mired in unfortunate controversy - by no fault of the man himself - there's no arguing with the worthiness of his haunting, all-timer performance in The Father.

As a man struggling with fast-progressing dementia, Hopkins has somehow never been better, rendering a fully-drawn character in all of his tragedy, bitterness, and occasional charm.

He's aided by not only the efforts of co-stars Olivia Colman and Olivia Williams, but also stunning direction from Florian Zeller in what's surely one of the most flabbergastingly impressive directorial debuts of all time.

Adapting his own acclaimed play to the screen, Zeller toys with the cinematic form in some clever and creative ways to repeatedly throw viewers off and allow them to enter the terrifying headspace of a man to whom reality is becoming an incoherent soup.

It sure isn't pleasant viewing, but Hopkins' performance in particular is destined to endure as one of cinema's eternal greats.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.