20 Best Movies Of 2024 (So Far)

13. Orion and The Dark

Best 2024 Movies So Far

Based on Emma Yarlett's children's book of the same name, Orion and the Dark might be one of 2024's unsung gems, a film silently dropped onto Netflix without much fanfare or advertising. 

The story of an anxious pre-teen (voiced by an endearing Jacob Tremblay) who's forced to confront his greatest fears whilst exploring the delights of the wider world, the animated fantasy is alight with splendid animation and resounding discussions about existential dread and acceptance. 

Written by Charlie Kaufman (of Eternal Sunshine and Being John Malkovich fame), Orion and the Dark is a strange, imaginative, deeply amusing film that wraps its big ideas in a wholesome, family-friendly shell, making it the perfect choice for movie night at a time where great family flicks are released far too infrequently. 

Beautifully rendered and lovingly crafted, equal parts amusing and heartwarming, Orion and the Dark aims high with what it wants to achieve, and misses not a beat whilst getting it done. Your kids will love it and so will you - what more could you want?

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool.