20 BEST Movies On Disney+

10. Mary Poppins

Avengers Endgame

While many films from the early Disney era can feel more than a little dated, it has to be said that the story of the angelic babysitter who literally flies in to save the day has held the test of time. Julie Anthony is a delight to start to finish, making a character who could have been cringeworthy and making her a genuine pleasure to be around.

Dick Van Dyke is great as the extremely versatile street painter Bert, with the film's best moments occurring when he and Anthony pair up. The plot is pretty simple, Mary Poppins mysteriously appearing from the clouds to look after two British children who are largely ignored by their workaholic Dad.

It is the astonishing mix of live action and animation that steals the show, the film's visual design years ahead of its time. The song and dance routines are all first rate, 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' a genuine showstopper.

The climax is a little cheesy but great fun all the same, making you want to fly a kite while yelling out 'I'm Mary Poppins y'all'.

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While he likes to know himself as the 'thunder from down under', Luke is actually just a big dork who loves all things sport, film, James Bond, Doctor Who and Karaoke. With all the suave and sophistication of any Aussie half way through a slab, Luke will critique every minute detail of films and shows from all eras- unless it's 1990's Simpsons episodes, because they're just perfect