Batman Alum: Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman Another Gotham two-fer, this time from the city's late period. Both Tom Hardy and Gary Oldman star in this crime thriller - set in Stalinist Soviet Union - about the investigation of child murders that are frequently covered up by the government. But don't expect any flashes of comic book excitement in this one. In fact, don't expect much of a coherent plot or steady tone, either. Based on the book by Tom Rob Smith, everyone in the star-studded cast do what they can to rise above the poorly-structured and overstuffed script. Hardy plays his emotions with much more subtlety than, say, a certain masked evildoer that was born in a prison, delivering a strong performance as a Soviet agent who desperately wants to catch the serial killer he believes is on the loose. Oldman, playing Hardy's commander, does what Gary Oldman does in every movie, providing a welcome bit of durability to the proceedings. But sadly, Bane and Commissioner Gordon weren't enough to overcome the bland script.