20 Best Movies Starring The Friends Cast

18. Charlie's Angels (Matt LeBlanc)

Charlie's Angels Matt Leblanc Lucy Liu
Sony Pictures Releasing

We're throwing out a mercy entry for Matt LeBlanc here, who has just a single critical fresh movie in his entire filmography, and worse still, it's one he only had a minor supporting role in.

The 2000 Charlie's Angels reboot is nevertheless a solidly enjoyable slice of blockbuster fluff, boasting the charm and propulsive entertainment factor largely lacking in its panned 2003 sequel, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, which LeBlanc also appeared in.

It's not high-art and it absolutely feels like a 2000 movie in every fiber of its being, but the well-cast central trio of Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, and Lucy Liu are terrific, and LeBlanc's cameo as Liu's action star boyfriend is genuinely one of the film's funniest moments.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.