20 Best Sci-Fi Horror Movies Of The 21st Century

18. Splice

Splice Dren
Warner Bros.

Guessing that nobody really learnt anything by watching Species, then?

Apparently not, as Adrian Brody and Sarah Polley's scientist pair still try and go ahead with that wacky notion of cross-breeding different DNA types in Splice.

Whilst there's no extraterrestrial gene splicing involved, the results are still just as deadly when they create Dren; their human/animal hybrid.

What starts off as a cautionary tale of forced evolution soon becomes apparent when Dren matures at an alarming rate. Growing restless and pubescent, it's not long before events take some seriously weird turns in the late second act.

And... well, I don't want to spoil them, but we're not talking mildly weird here.

Again, like Species, it starts to become apparent that there are some things that man isn't to meddle with. By the time you see Dren getting the best of Brody (and it is not pleasant), the pieces fall into place: this will surely not end well.

As I said, it does fall into "cautionary tale" territory quite early on; It doesn't necessarily bring anything new to the table. But as a visual slice of "oh my god"-ness, you can't go wrong.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.