20 Best Selling Blu-Rays Of All Time

8. The Hangover

Total Copies Sold: 3,450,033 The two sequels, with their either complete retread or total divergence into gritty action, have really marred the reputation of The Hangover, distracting from the fact that not only is it a pretty funny film, but that in the summer of 2009 is was an absolute sensation. The critics adored it, unanimously praising it with some even sticking their necks out as far as to call it one of the funniest films ever made. That's pretty high praise, matched only by audience reaction; fitting the bachelor party set up of the film, it's become a go to lads film. Although it was more successful on DVD (this was when the HD format hadn't been fully accepted), the Blu-Ray numbers aren't the traditional fraction of those sales. It's not the sort of movie that visually befits high-def, but was so popular it over-rode that. Interestingly neither sequel came anywhere close to making the top fifty best-selling Blu-Rays, giving some hope that mainstream audiences can still be objective.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.