20 Best Selling Blu-Rays Of All Time

9. The Hunger Games

Total Copies Sold: 3,427,990 Jennifer Lawrence isn't having the best week, although knowing the franchise she fronts has some of the best selling Blu-Rays may make that whole picture leak thing a little less biting. For a film released in the box office wasteland of March, The Hunger Games did incredibly well, placing ninth in the box office for 2012, but it was on home video where it really showed how popular the dystopian world of Panem is. The film itself trod that tricky line of both creating something faithful enough for the legions of fans of the young adult novels, but distinct and angst-lite to make an impact on audiences at large. Some shakey-cam aside, it more than succeeded. This number will have been boosted by people catching up before Catching Fire; it's not uncommon to see earlier entries in a series climb into the top ten on Amazon when a sequel arrives. The sequel itself is only two places of making this list, making the prospects for Mockingjay: Part 1, due in November, all the more exciting.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.