20 Best Selling Blu-Rays Of All Time

6. The Dark Knight Rises

Total Copies Sold: 3,826,004 It may not be quite up there with Heath Ledger's Joker, but Tom Hardy's Bane has become something of a minor pop culture touchstone. Start talking in a deep, sarcastic, semi-British accent and people will immediately know you're imitating the hulking bat breaker. And while that is certainly bolstered by the typically Nolan-sized box office, the film's success on home video must have helped. Although in total numbers (including DVD) the film didn't sell as many copies as The Dark Knight it still shifted an astonishing amount, with a good chunk coming from Blu-Ray; as with Inception the benefits of viewing Nolan in HD stand here (the sheer number of extras utilised in the stadium or Wall Street War scenes almost make high-def essential). Venture to certain areas of the internet and you can find people who completely despise The Dark Knight Trilogy's finale, but if they needed any convincing they're in a minority the sheer numbers of home video sales should suffice.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.