20 Best & Worst Movies From 2015 Oscar Nominees

18. Laura Dern

Best: Jurassic Park (1993) Wild is undoubtedly a great performance, but in Jurassic Park, Dern held her own against a masculine-biased cast without feeling obligatory or helpless. And despite being a plant expert, she's basically the fore-runner for Tomb Raider. Worst: Little Fockers (2010) It's no more than a cameo for Dern, but her performance as Prudence Simmons - a private school head-teacher meeting prospective new students' families - is entirely unnecessary and is bolted on to squeeze a little more out of the fractrous relationship between Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro. "Hilariously", she mistakes them for a gay couple. And that's the entire joke.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.