Best: Drive (2011) Inevitably it's hard to look past the looming shadow of Walter White, but Cranston's supporting role in the silently cool Drive is almost as watchable as Heisenberg precisely because of its difference. Rather than the confidence of White's blossom into villainy, Shannon is a limping criminal parasite, well-intentioned but trapped by poor decisions and worse relationships. It's a hugely subtle performance that feels effortless, but it's also hugely charitable and allows Ryan Gosling's restrained performance to shine. And his death scene is truly awful to watch. Worst: Erotique (1994) Long before his brilliant performances in Malcolm In The Middle and Breaking Bad, Cranston was a jobbing actor lured to this supposedly feminist erotica project in which he plays a sex book author using a prostitute for research (a likely story). While the film claims to be enriching and empowering, it is manipulative, salacious and dangerous and the fact that Cranston's character is "punished" through rough sex is the cherry on top of a truly distasteful affair.