20 Best & Worst Movies From 2017 Oscar Nominees

17. Viola Davis

Emma Stone Finger
Warner Bros.

Best: Suicide Squad (2016)

The film might have been a disaster of untold proportions, but there's no denying how brilliant Viola Davis is. Her Amanda Waller is a conniving, cold killer, committed to advancing her own agenda and achieving her goals no matter what, and she should go on to be a big player in the DCEU.

Okay, so there are lots of contrivances in there - like her killing her whole team for their lack of clearance - but the performance itself outshines the material massively, and it has to go down as one of the best performances of 2016.

Worst: The Architect (2006)

Sadly, Anthony Lapaglia hasn't really been relevant for a good while, so starring in anything with him in a year starting with a 2 is not a good start. It's a cloying film that tries way too hard to sell its heavy-hitting political message (when subtlety would have done it far better), and no amount of good intentions can escape the fact that the performances are equally misfiring.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.