20 Best & Worst Movies From 2018 Oscar Nominees
1. Octavia Spencer
Best: Fruitvale Station (2013)
Given her unspectacular beginnings in film, Octavia Spencer has done some incredible work recently, but nothing is as good as her devastating role in Ryan Coogler's exceptional Fruitvale Station.
In it she plays Wanda, the mother of Michael B Jordan's tragic Oscar, who she watches flirt with a dangerous life terrified for his fate if he continues down the same path. When that fate inevitably, devastatingly comes, her reaction lands with a horrifying haymaker. She is subtle, restrained and incredible.
Worst: Bad Santa 2 (2016)
Quite why anyone thought we needed a sequel to Bad Santa is anyone's guess, especially since it took so long to even get to screens. You'd think with that long to develop it might have come up with a reason to exist, but unfortunately it's about the worst sequel released this decade, which is some going.
Spencer plays Opal the prostitute, which stands out as a role an actor of her standing really shouldn't have been entertaining at that stage of her career.
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