20 Best & Worst Movies From 2019 Oscar Nominees

11. Sam Elliott

A Star Is Born Sam Elliott
Warner Bros.

Best: A Star Is Born (2018)

It's rather reductive that Sam Elliott has largely been consigned to being thought of as an incredible moustache filtering one of the best voices in Hollywood. He's more than that, which A Star Is Born proved, even in a comparatively brief performance.

This was no stunt casting, with Elliott given a lot more to do than live on the mythology of his look and his sound (even if Bradley Cooper's performance is like a living ode to Elliott) and his emotionally loaded, exasperated performance, which is both fraternal and paternal is stunning.

Worst: The Big Bang (2011)

An utterly ludicrous film, The Big Bang theory sees Elliott playing a reclusive billionaire intent on recreating the Big Bang under the New Mexico desert while Antonio Banderas' PI. The film also features James Van Der Beek as an off-the-rails actor, Snoop Dogg as a porn producer and a woman with a fetish for particle physics. If it wasn't so bloody awful, it would be a great recommendation.


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