20 Best & Worst Movies From 2019 Oscar Nominees

4. Amy Adams

Amy Adams The Fighter
Paramount Pictures

Best: The Fighter (2010)

Though she's been excellent in VERY different roles in Arrival, American Hustle, The Muppets and Enchanted, Amy Adams' brash and tenacious take on Massachusetts femininity in The Fighter is still her best performance. Over-shadowed somewhat by Christian Bale's transformative performance, Adams here is no less impressive and hers is a far more subtle performance.

Her Charlene Fleming rightly earned critical praise for how she broke conventions and in an impressive career so far - with a very notable performance in Sharp Objects too - it's still her highest point.

Worst: Wedding Date (2005)

Despite not coming out all that long ago, Wedding Date feels like it's from an entirely different era for Adams - from a time before she was particularly confident in choosing roles that suited her. While she's exceptional in the wide-eyed Disney-like roles and is just as impressive with more gritty characters, her snide character here is a badly fitting shoe.

And it doesn't help at all that the film as a whole is a derivative, paint-by-numbers snoozer.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.