20 Biggest Mistakes In The DCEU So Far

2. Martha! (Batman V Superman)

Batman V Superman MARTHA
Warner Bros. Pictures

No single moment in the DCEU has been as widely laughed at and torn apart as the infamous "Martha!" scene, where Batman stops trying to kill Superman after learning that their mothers share the same first name.

Of course, the scene intends to show Bruce realising that Clark also has a mother and isn't this unrelatable alien like he had been led to believe, but the execution is so poor that the scene just doesn't work remotely as intended.

Arguably the clunkiest part is Superman referring to his mother by her name rather than saying, "My mother...help her...", but of course, for the "poetry" of them having mothers with the same name to work, he needed to call her by her actual name in thoroughly out-of-place fashion.

Fans have rightly ripped the scene to shreds ever since, considering it's the entire turning point for the third act and just horribly handled from a writing and direction standpoint.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.