20 Brilliant Mind-F*ck Movies

10. Shutter Island

Two detectives are sent to investigate a missing person€™s case from a hospital for the criminally insane, situated on a remote island. A storm means they can€™t leave any time soon. Mystery, and a hefty dose of mind-f*ckery, ensues, with twists, turns and seeming dead ends popping up all over the shop.

In the role of lead detective Teddy Daniels, Leonardo DiCaprio makes his second €“ and arguably more impressive €“ appearance on this list. DiCaprio is joined by Mark Ruffalo, who plays his partner Chuck Aule. They make for an engaging central duo as an unpredictable narrative unfolds.

Martin Scorsese holds everything together as you€™d expect him to, building the tension with a skill of a master filmmaker with heaps of experience. The result of his impressive script, strong cast and confident direction is a film that you€™ll struggle to forget any time soon.


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.