20 Brilliant Mind-F*ck Movies

14. The Truman Show

Paramount Pictures

While many of these films contain horror elements, The Truman Show has a more gentle way of playing with the audience€™s minds. What if the world around you was all a charade, and your entire life was a hugely popular television show? It€™s a Nineteen Eighty-Four Big Brother story for the modern age.

The world around Jim Carrey€™s Truman only truly exists when he€™s paying attention to it. Everyone he knows is an actor, performing a role in his life and then clocking off to go home at the end of the day. His home, his street, his work place €“ none of it is real.

This is a film that lingers in the memory. An eerily empty street can still trigger thoughts of €˜well, that€™s a bit Truman Show, isn€™t it?€™ €“ it may not be horrific, but this one still freaks me out to this day. And if a film can make you question reality itself, it must be doing something right.


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.