20 Brilliant Mind-F*ck Movies

13. Being John Malkovich

Universal Pictures

John Malkovich has the intense acting chops to be sufficiently creepy when there€™s just one of him in a movie. When Charlie Kaufman and Spike Jonze teamed up to fill a whole movie with endless reiterations of the actor, then, they were really onto something.

Before we even get to the multiple Malkovich scenes, though, we€™re still in a film where it€™s possible to enter someone else€™s head, which naturally, causes some uniquely mind-boggling storytelling scenarios. For one, John Cusack€™s character Craig ends up being cheated on by his wife and the woman he wishes to make his mistress. The latter has sex with the former through the guise of becoming John Malkovich via a hidden portal in her office building. Obviously.

The concept of this movie is a mind-f*ck in itself, and the more the film explores it €“ with Craig becoming able to control Malkovich, and Malkovich even entering his own head at one stage €“ the weirder and weirder it becomes. It's a must-watch for those who seek cinematic strangeness.


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.