20 Characters Most Changed From The Comics In The MCU

7. Ronan

Ronan's appearance isn't to dissimilar in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to his comic book counterpart (the comic book version's armour is more metallic and cybernetic, but he is otherwise easily recognisable as the same character), but his personality and powers were very different indeed. Comic book Ronan was classically a villain, though did display some anti-heroic qualities, but he has gone on to become more of a hero. His physical prowess and superhuman statistics are similar to the live action version, but his powers were far more varied. Via his powerful Universal Weapon, he could project energy blasts, manipulate molecules, fly, project forcefields, teleport across huge distances and a create time-motion displacement fields. The movie version was mostly all about being strong and durable, while most of his other powers (energy blasts etc) came from his use of the Orb. He was also completely evil.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.