20 Characters Most Changed From The Comics In The MCU

8. Aldrich Killian

There are definitely similarities between Guy Pearce's version of Aldrich Killian and the one from the comic books on which he was based, but the two men are very different people. Comic book Killian created the Extremis virus and sold it to some terrorists for his own gain. However, he felt incredibly guilty about what he had done - given that his creation would go on to be used for evil - and he killed himself with a gun (the fact that he also had a generally negative view of himself also contributed to his suicide). Pearce's version was also a scientist who developed the Extremis virus, but he used it for his own gain and showed no signs of guilt whatsoever - indeed becoming a villain by using it on himself to give himself super-strength, healing powers and energy blasts, having initially used it on himself to heal his own disability.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.