20 Characters Most Changed From The Comics In The MCU

3. Whiplash

The actual concepts and powers of Whiplash weren't that much different to the comic books in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the fact is he was a completely different character. Mickey Rourke played Ivan Vanko in Iron Man 2, but Whiplash has only ever been a mantle used by Mark Scarlotti, Leeann Foreman, an unnamed character and Anton Vanko in the comic books. Both versions of the character wear a suit of power armour that has a pair of energised whips attached to the hands, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the armour (at least the final version of it) covered more of Vanko's body than it did the comic book version's. Moreover, there is also the fact that the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the character was actually an amalgamation of the comic book version of Whiplash and Crimson Dynamo - another Iron Man villain.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.