20 Characters Most Changed From The Comics In The MCU

2. Malekith

Malekith was a huge disappointment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and a major waste of a great actor in Christopher Eccleston. He was portrayed very differently to the version seen in the comic books. The comic book version not only looks very different (although you would have to say that the aesthetic change was probably for the best in the live action movie version), but he is also far more powerful than the one audiences saw on screen. He possesses all the superhuman attributes that Eccleston's version displayed, but he can also use magic for a variety of purposes like teleportation, energy blasts, physical malleability, flight (by way of transforming himself into mist), illusion casting and the ability to change the shape and appearance of other beings or objects. He also has a vulnerability to iron that was never explored on screen. Eccleston's version really only showed an ability to fire powerful energy blasts - and that was due to the fact that he possessed the Aether Infinity Stone at the time. He was very poor comparatively.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.