20 Characters Most Changed From The Comics In The MCU

13. Destroyer

This entry is kind of cheating, as the Destroyer isn't necessarily a character per se, but the fact is that in the comics it comes to life when inhabited by the essence of a living being and, as such, is able to act of its own accord. The appearances of the Marvel Cinematic Universe version and the comic book version are actually very similar, but what is so enormously different about them is the gulf in power. The comic book version of the armour is, quite simply, unstoppable. It is immensely strong and durable and really can't be beaten in physical combat by anything other than abstract cosmic entities (the Celestials, for example, once turned it to slag). However, the likes of Thor couldn't begin to even thinking about defeating it and even Odin himself has used it to give himself a power boost. It also has truly devastating energy blast capabilities - so much so that they can crack planets. The version seen in the Thor movie, however, was defeated by Thor creating a tornado! Its energy blasts were also significantly less powerful, barely being able to destroy cars, and it was briefly stopped by Sif stabbing it with a simple bladed weapon.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.