20 Characters Most Changed From The Comics In The MCU

12. Irani Rael

In Guardians Of The Galaxy, Glenn Close portrayed a version of Irani Rael who was a very different beast to the one seen in the comic books. The comic book version is a member of the Rigellian alien race who became a powerful Nova Corps Centurion - the top tier of the Nova Corps. She wore the armour of a warrior and was capable of all of the basic Nova Corps powers and abilities; flight, energy blasts and the ability to augment and enhance her own physical abilities. Close's version was Xandarian and was much older. Having apparently risen through the Nova Corps ranks, she was now the head of the Corps and had seemingly retired from battle, wearing a smart suit rather than battle gear and therefore lacking any powers.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.