20 Comedy Movies You Must See Before You Die

19. Notting Hill (1998)

Universal Pictures

It might seem insane to many people reading this list that Notting Hill, starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts, has been granted a place, given that this admittedly mawkish and somewhat overtly sentimental movie has its fair share of detractors. But consider for a second that Notting Hill, despite its flaws, is so very cleverly written, and that very few movies - comedy or otherwise - cling to such an effortlessly entertaining and endlessly rewatchable first hour than this one.

Not to deride Notting Hill's second hour; it's just that the first is so breezy and fun, the second pales. So here's a Richard Curtis movie that fully embraces the strengths and weakness's of said writer's pen. But the idea here (that a regular schmuck falls in love with a Hollywood film star) is deployed with such charm that it's nearly impossible not to get hooked in.

And love him or hate him, Curtis' jokes are witty and endearing, the characters loveable and authentic (as a comedic set-piece, the dinner scene is pure gold). Sure, others might prefer Four Weddings and a Funeral, citing this as corny garbage, but Notting Hill is far funnier and a lot more compulsive. And don't forget Spike!


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.