If there was an award for the most off the mark piece of film criticism of all time it could well be given to the writer for Time Magazine who criticised the car chase scenes in The Italian Job as "dull and deafening". While you can say what you like about its focus (or lack of) on plot and characterisation, if there's one thing the film does right it's the chase sequences. Featuring the iconic red, white and blue Minis, The Italian Job probably did more for their sales than any amount of advertising could hope to achieve. From shopping malls to sewage tunnels and more, the legendary car chase culminating in the high speed entry into the back of a moving lorry is quite rightly considered as one of the most memorable scenes of all time. The movie's literal cliffhanger provides the icing to a thoroughly entertaining slice of cinema. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuKYtRuDiuw