20 Craziest Stunts In Movie History

1. Jackie Chan - Police Story

Jackie Chan might have hogged more than a few spots on this list, but no other actor in movie history is more deserving of the accolade "The Greatest Stuntman of All Time". Choosing his best stunt out of the dozens he's performed is always going to be contentious - we all have our favourites - but it's difficult to argue with the fact that his electrifying pole slide in Police Story isn't up there at the very top. From the hillside car chase to Chan hanging off the side of a bus by an umbrella, Police Story is full of fantastic stunts that leave your jaw hovering somewhere around the floor. For the finale, Chan decided to pull out all the stops and leap several floors down from the top floor of a supermarket, sliding down a pole lit up with hundreds of small lights. As if that wasn't enough, the final drop sees him smashing through a pane of glass - without a camera cut he then gets up, grabs a shard of the glass and holds it to the throat of the master villain. Stunts don't come much crazier and cooler than this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZDXyiisZ50 What are your favourite stunts in movie history? Agree or disagree with the selection on this list? Why not post a comment below and let us know?

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