20 Creepiest Stephen King Movie Moments

6. Prom Blood Bath - Carrie (1976)

Poor Carrie (as portrayed by Sissy Spacek - no remake chatter here), she never had a chance. Her mother was a religious nut, her father was long gone, and she€™s painfully shy. Things at school aren€™t much better, she€™s routinely bullied and treated like a freak. She also struggles with the realization that she posses telekinetic powers. However, you€™re lead to believe that Carrie€™s luck has turned around when she gets asked to go to the prom, and you couldn€™t be happier for her. Then it slowly dawns that there's cruel prank planned. Actually getting crowned Prom Queen is a sweet moment for her... until a bucket of pig€™s blood falls on her head and everybody laughs at her (just as her mother predicted). In a split second, her mind snaps. She blocks the exits, starts a fire, and kills everyone in the room. The image of an other-worldly Sissy Spacek covered in blood as she throws objects around at will is, justifiably, one of the most enduring images in the history of horror cinema. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiPw2v02nE4

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com