20 Creepy Movie Kids To Put You Off Parenting

3. Mikey - Mikey (1992)

eeffef Mikey was banned in Britain due to the national trauma over the Jamie Bulger killing. It has remained banned ever since but it it available in the Republic of Ireland where they gleefully advertise it as 'The Film Banned in Britain!'. The titular Mikey is a creepy kid of immense proportions. In fact, I think creepy is too mild a word to describe this fully fledged little psychopath. He is a budding arsonist and when his foster mother finds out, he kills her, kills his foster father and his foster sister. Of course, nobody's going to blame a mere kid on this act of carnage so Mikey re-enters the foster care system looking for the next family to prey on. He is assigned to Neil and Rachel Trenton who are blind to his dark side when he presents a front of being an amiable loveable kid. He manages to not kill anybody for a while until he falls in love with his best friend's older sister - Jessie. Cue another murder spree. He electrocutes Jessie's boyfriend and also kills his foster parents, teacher and headmaster. A plot contrivance gives him a get out of jail free clause and on he goes again into the foster system under the name of Josh. A film, like Orphan, to scare you away from fostering kids. Mikey is basically a slasher movie with the novelty of having a creepy kid as the bad guy. The film is very disturbing and Brian Bonsall gives a great performance as Mikey. Mikey is probably the most blood thirsty creepy kid on the list and he kills with impunity. This makes him a kid you would never, ever want to be within a 100 mile radius of, let alone parent him.

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!