20 Depraved Movies Only Truly Sick Individuals Could Enjoy

6. Grotesque (2009)

Headless Movie
Media Blasters

In the finest tradition of Japanese gore cinema, the plot for this exploitation splatter film is minimal, with a young couple being snatched off the street, only to wake up shackled in a grimy basement. Without even having the decency to explain why, a particularly sadistic madman (Osako Shigeo) proceeds to degrade, torture and mutilate them.

The psychopath tells the couple he wants them to fight to survive, because their will to endure his tortures basically gets him off. If their survival instinct is great enough for him to climax, he promises to let them go. After some nasty torture, he is satisfied, and begins to treat their wounds in a makeshift hospital. However, the experience is far from over, and more relentless suffering proceeds.

If you want brutality, then this movie is for you, but it comes at a cost. There is no character development nor is there even much narrative. Grotesque basically presents the audience with little more than in-your-face violence and exists solely for wallowing in sadism for sadism’s sake. 


Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com