Oh, Catwoman. Would have been possible for you to be any worse? Halle Berry stars as the titular character in this insanely misjudged take on the popular comic book character, where scenes involving basketball are implemented instead of, you know, an actual plot. Catwoman is rendered like something close to a joke; there are cheesy one-liners, cheesy characters, cheesy fight scenes, cheesy moments of romance - it's a real stinker. The biggest issue here, though, is the fact that this doesn't even "feel" like a Catwoman movie; taken out of context, the scenario - that of a costumed crime fighter dressing up as a cat - is rendered embarrassing, and there's a grating lack of comic book mythology. It might as well have not even been called Catwoman. And then there's the acting, which is legendary in its awfulness. If this movie taught us anything, it's to never get excited about anything. Ever.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.