With Casino Royale's Martin Campbell at the helm, Green Lantern should have at least been passable blockbuster fare - instead, fans got lumped with a movie that doesn't seem to know how to tell a story, with Ryan Reynolds doing his best - but mostly failing - to keep us interested. Rather oddly, Green Lantern, despite clinging to an exciting premise, is yawn-inducing. It might has well have been called Exposition: The Movie. On the bright side, the visual effects are downright stunning, and obvious care and attention has been put into crafting the aesethic details of the movie. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean zip if you can't get audiences to invest in the story on an emotional level, which Green Lantern can't. The unfocused nature of the script and the lack of tension made for one of the most disappointing comic book movies in recent memory. Sorry, Hal.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.