20 Disaster Movies You Must See Before You Die

11. Greenland

The Impossible Naomi Watts
STX Entertainment

The marketing for recent Gerard Butler-led disaster flick Greenland did it no favours at all, suggesting it was a lower-budget stab at the genre destined to be dumped on VOD and quickly forgotten.

But it ended up being one of the most pleasantly surprising entries into the genre of the last few years, opting to focus less on CGI-fuelled mayhem and more on the abject terror of humans attempting to get to safety as a planet-annihilating comet heads towards Earth.

Butler and Morena Baccarin give solid performances as a married couple desperate to reach shelter, while director Ric Roman Waugh switches up the various imperiling scenarios just enough to sustain constant interest throughout.

There's an underlying sense of authenticity and realism to the actions of its human characters, enough that the prospect of the recently announced sequel, Greenland: Migration, is actually pretty enticing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.