20 Dumbest Moments In DC Movies

11. Casting Megan Fox - Jonah Hex

Ah, 2010, when filmmakers were still trying to shove the undeniably beautiful Megan Fox in every movie they possibly could. She ended up cast in the abysmal critical and commercial failure Jonah Hex as Tallulah Black, a prostitute who of course becomes Hex's (Josh Brolin) lover over the course of the movie. Fox certainly looks the part, but her spoken performance leaves a lot to be desired: yes, the script sucks, but her Southern drawl is hilariously awful and no doubt the main reason she received a Worst Actress Razzie nod, as well as a nomination for Worst Screen Couple (for Brolin's scarred face and her ridiculous accent). On paper it makes sense that Fox would fulfil the aesthetic elements of the character, but God, didn't someone think to at least get her an accent coach?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.