20 DVD Commentaries You Need To Hear Before You Die

8. Watchmen

Participant(s): Zack Snyder It would be reductive to say that s Snyder€™s €œultimate movie experience€ (as he describes it) is just an out-and-out commentary. The clear amount of thought and analysis which has gone into the film companion really does make it feel like you€™re reading a piece of literature with exhaustive, insightful footnotes. Watchmen is doubtless not the finest superhero film you€™re ever going to see but if anything elevates the experience it€™s watching it alongside the directors €œIn-Movie Experience€ commentary. Facilitated by Blu-ray technology, the experience starts with Snyder literally walking onto the screen and outlining his goals for the companion. He then leaves and a minimized box enlarges to show the start of the actual film. Contrary to the belief that Snyder is a director guilty of prioritising style-over-substance (he did after all direct 300), the commentary reveals how many bits and pieces he crammed in Watchmen to please fans of the comic books. There are even frame-by-frame comparisons between the original comic book panels and film footage, showing how dedicated Snyder was in doing justice to the source material. With this in-depth analysis improving the original film immensely, Zack Snyder really raised the bar in terms of how a commentary companion should be treated as a separate documentary-style piece.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.